Journal of the Middle East and Africa
The Journal of the Middle East and Africa, the flagship publication of the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA), is the first peer-reviewed academic journal to include both the entire continent of Africa and the Middle East within its purview—exploring the historic social, economic, and political links between these two regions, as well as the modern challenges they face. Interdisciplinary in its nature, the Journal of the Middle East and Africa approaches the regions from the perspectives of Middle Eastern and African studies as well as anthropology, economics, history, international law, political science, religion, security studies, women’s studies, and other disciplines of the social sciences and humanities. It seeks to promote new research to understand better the past and chart more clearly the future of scholarship on the regions. The Journal publishes four issues a year. All dues-paying members receive the Journal. To purchase individual articles or back issues, please click here. Inquiries about the Journal can be directed to [email protected]. Article submission guidelines can be found here. View current and past issues here. Editorial boardEditor-in-Chief: Dr. Franck Salameh - Boston College Editorial Board:Dr. Tricia Bacon - American University Cole M. Bunzel - Stanford University Managing Editor:Suzanne Kurtz Sloan - Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa |